"There are no failures -just experiences and your reactions to them." -Tom Krause

Moving Media

Moving Media
In the movie Jurassic Park III, the parents travel to Isla Sorna to save their stranded son. The parents and the crew fail when the plane crashes. The son is found and most of the characters succeed in surviving long enough from the dinosaurs to be rescued

Moving Media

In the movie Titanic the character Rose felt like she failed at life until she met Jack. The boat sank and Jack died in the action as a fail, but Rose still managed to go on and succeed from what Jack had taught her.

Moving Media

Moving Media
In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest is seen to be a failure by society because of his legs and low intelligence. As he grows older, Forrest is able to use his legs and succeeds in football, the army, and running across America. Forrest may have a low IQ, but he succeeds in the knowledge of how life works and is successful with many of his plans and goals.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Failure Equals Art

One may ask “How is that art?” when looking at abstract fine art.  Many people do not know what to think of when they look at the deformed picture.  They assume that the artist failed at whatever they were trying to create.  Yet so many other people consider abstract art to be art.  Every person who looks at the picture sees a different image.  People have learned to appreciate abstract art for being unique and emotional.  Admiration is given to the success that the artist has created by these appreciative people.  An artist may create abstract art based on their emotional state.  If they have had a hard time such as a failing experience, the artist may create their emotions into a successful picture.  Pablo Picasso went through many depressing moods his whole life and turned his fails into art.  Fine artists are not the only ones who can turn their failures into success.  A poem can be considered a fail attempt to write a story, yet people appreciate the work as literary art.  A poet may also often write the best poetry when he or she is depressed and failing.  The poet can write about how he or she feels more freely.  Many people who read this poetry admire the poet’s success as well.  Failures can help people create successes such as abstract art and poetry.  Successes can also be found in art that appears to a fail attempt.  Have you ever failed at a project that became a success?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Schindler's Success

Sometimes failures can seem unintentional at first and then eventually lead to success.  This can be displayed in Schindler's List, a movie based off the true story of Oskar Schindler.  During World War II when Poland became occupied by Germany, Schindler decided to open a factory in order to make money out of the war.  Schindler was a member of the Nazi Party.  His goal was to make a fortune by using the Jews to manufacture supplies for the war.  Schindler fails at his role as a Nazi whenever he witness the liquidation of a ghetto and the mass murder of the Jewish people.  Schindler experiences a change of heart and decides that he want to protect the Jews, going against the view of a Nazi.  He fails at his party by lying to them why he should keep Jews in his factory and secretly protects them from being killed.  Schindler also fails at owning his factory whenever he decides to abandon it so that he may protect his Jews.  Schindler fails at making a fortune whenever he spends every last cent of it for briberies to save his Jews.  One could say Schindler failed because he never achieved his intentional goal of creating a factory and making a fortune.  His goal though was actually changed from his dream of a factory, to saving his Jewish workers.  In order to achieve the goal of saving his workers, Schindler had to fail at his first dream to successfully save the Jews.  Schindler died a penniless man, but he saved the 1200 Jews and had a memorial created in his honor.  He is also known through history as successfully saving Jews from his failure of being a Nazi and owning a factory.  Have you ever succeeded at a goal by failing another goal?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Music Presents Success

Music can show the message that failure brings success.  There are lyrics and stories to many songs that display this meaning.  One example would be the rock opera The Wall by Pink Floyd follows the story line that failure can bring success.  The protagonist Pink fails continuously fails throughout his life.  In school Pink fails dealing with teachers who are against him and every action he takes.  As Pink grows older, he fails his mother who is overprotective of him when starts relationships.  Pink also fails at his job when he has a mental breakdown and isolates himself from the world by mentally building a wall.  At the end he finally brings his thoughts together on everything he has failed and tears down his wall.  Pink found success through his failures when he reunites himself again with the world.  Along with The Wall there are also songs about people failing with relationships only to succeed from them by becoming stronger.  The song Throwing Stones by Paula Cole demonstrates these actions.  The person who has been weakened by the relationship states all of the failures he or she has received in the relationship such as being lied to, suffering, and not being able to speak for him or herself.  The person succeeds through the failure though as he or she swears to keep fighting or "throw stones" till the end.  The person also admits to becoming stronger, "my inner visions, dulled and darkened" when he or she comes to his or her senses of what is right and how to succeed in this struggle.  Succeeding through failure is present in the words of music.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Success through Failure

Many people all fail in life, but failure can bring experience, teach new ideas, give second chances, and help people to succeed.  In The Catcher in the Rye Holden fails to fit into society.  At the end of the book he is given a second chance when he is taken into the hospital.  The novel Anthem shows how Equality fails to follow society and runs away.  He learns from his experiences to succeed by starting his own civilization.  An artist may paint abstract art which fails to show an actual picture.  People still give the art credit for being unique and appreciate the work.  The movie Titanic shows how the character Rose failed at the life she was living.  When she met Jack, Rose felt she could succeed.  Jack died, but Rose went on to turn her life in a new direction and succeed from the lessons Jack taught her.  Around the world people admit they have made mistakes and failed, but still strive to succeed.  Julie Taymor failed at a project she was working on, but she still wanted to fix the situation to succeed. “I think it’s very important to be true to your heart and true to your vision... I am passionate about the projects that I do, and I would hate, even if they fail in certain ways…” People are continually failing and continually learning from mistakes to strive for goals.  Are your mistakes not the reason why you succeeded?